Living an eco-friendly life as a couple will strengthen your relationship and protect the planet at the same time. When two people share a household, they can encourage each other to live a responsible life that supports the environment. There is nothing more beautiful than a loving couple, in which both partners help each other to be a better version of themselves. Sharing a household also means more opportunity to cut down on unnecessary environmental burdens.


This guide will give simple solutions to couples who want to live an eco-friendly life together.


  1. Reduce plastic containers.

Two people sharing one household does not mean that they should have double the plastic waste. According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), plastic containers and packaging accounted for 14 million tons of waste, the most out of any category.


  • Consider using bar shampoo, conditioner, and soap. You can wash your hair, body, and hands without the plastic containers. Your partner won’t be able to smell the difference.


  • Skip the takeout and cook at home or in the restaurant. Cooking dinner together or sitting down at a restaurant is far more romantic than scarfing down food with plastic utensils from a Styrofoam container.


  • Skip foods and beverages that come in single-use containers. As you head to the grocery store together, look for items that come in glass jars instead of plastic. Avoid plastic condiment bottles, pre-bagged produce, milk gallons, individually wrapped cheese, and other items with excessive packaging. There are usually alternatives on the same shelf for you to choose instead. Find a brand that you both agree upon. It’s not easy, but it is possible to have a stocked refrigerator without plastic.


  1. Choose Greener Products.

People want their hard-earned money to go for products from companies that have values similar to their own. Some companies genuinely value the planet, and that won’t sacrifice the Earth in exchange for extra money.


  • A wedding ring is the symbol of your love and your shared life. Unfortunately, diamond mining has a wide-reaching negative environmental impact, including damaging the soil and existing forests, in addition to other impacts. Rings with lab grown diamonds are more sustainable because they don’t go through the mining process. Choosing a sustainable option will start your marriage off on the right foot because the symbol of your love matches the values of your partnership.


  • Buy high-quality clothes that last for years instead of cheap clothing that gets thrown away after a few months. A timeless, classic style is always in fashion. Discarded clothes add up to millions of tons per year in landfills. It is tempting to buy the latest fashion at a low price, but it shouldn’t be done at the expense of our planet. A couple can choose a minimalist wardrobe together. Focus your spending and create a budget that meets both of your needs.


  1. Make Smart Food Choices.

Eating together is a time-honored tradition that demonstrates love and friendship. As the saying goes, you are what you eat.


  • Limit meat or buy meat from a small local farm that raises animals ethically and sustainably. The high-volume meat industry is taxing on the environment. Challenge yourself to come up with meat-free meals cooked lovingly at home.


  • Visiting the locally owned and operated farmer’s market is always a good ch. Browse the rows on a lazy Saturday morning, and enjoy your time together. Take peace in knowing that you are supporting local farmers and reducing the carbon footprint.